Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Smoking Gun in the Obama Eligibility Case: Stanley Ann Dunham’s Passport - Freedom Outpost

The Smoking Gun in the Obama Eligibility Case: Stanley Ann Dunham’s Passport - Freedom Outpost: While Barack Obama has taken numerous and expensive steps to keep his past secret (and yes, other presidents have did the same), one thing that cannot be missed is what may be the smoking gun in the eligibility case: The passport information of Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama's mother. It has been said that young Barry went to Indonesia with his mother to live with Lolo Soetoro and in doing so, because of his age, he was placed on his mother's passport. According to the documents obtained from the US State Department, under the Freedom of Information Act, Barack Hussein Obama's name was stricken from the original application. According to the State Department, they "could not locate a 1965 passport application referenced in an application for amendment of passport that is included in the released documents."

Too many things don't add up with Barack Hussein Obama: his selective service form, his social security number, his lack of being able to be verified to hold a job in the US and his birth certificate all point to a man who is a fraud and an illegal president

 See original work for more on this and other stories.

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