Wednesday, September 17, 2014

This One Image Shows What’s Wrong with Today’s Media - Eagle Rising

This One Image Shows What’s Wrong with Today’s Media - Eagle Rising: On Fox Business’s Cavuto the other day, host Neil Cavuto showed a graphic that kind of sums up everything that is wrong with the mainstream media today.

Over the years, we seem to have gone through a kind of metamorphosis in media – first they said that their “personal” biases didn’t effect their reporting. Then some of the media began to admit that sure, most of us are biased, but we try real hard to be fair. Now, they usually just laugh us detractors off and continue pretending that they’re doing a great job. (David Gregory anyone?)

Here is what Cavuto showed that should enlighten us all…

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Obama job approval is almost identical to Bush's in Sept 2006. Bias is just as much what isn't reported as what is.

 See original work for more on this and other stories.

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