Tuesday, September 16, 2014

White House Admits Threatening While Pretending to Deny It

White House Admits Threatening While Pretending to Deny It: The White House admits threatening the families of the hostages killed by thugs of the Islamic State. They communicated to the Foleys and the Sotloffs that they would be prosecuted if they paid a ransom to get their boys back. As Newser.com puts it:

“In terms of what was communicated to the families, in the midst of many, many meetings over the course of this very difficult circumstance, we obviously made clear what the law is,” chief of staff Denis McDonough told Fox News Sunday, as per Politico.

But somehow this is not threatening. McDonough continued, “We didn’t threaten anybody, but we made clear what the law is.”

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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