Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Dutch school children submit to Allah -

The Dutch school children submit to Allah -

Translated text was as follows:

Show girls and boys of primary school Vinkenbuurt, native
Dutch blond lying prostrate to pray to Allah in Ghulzar-e-Madina mosque
in Zwolle, the capital of the province of Overijssel, in the east-central area of 'Holland. Vinkenbuurt is a village of just 300 inhabitants. The visit to the mosque was part of the project "Other cultures'. Imam
Maulana Noorani Tahier Wagid Hosain has warmly welcomed the children,
responded in an entertaining and understandable to their questions, he
made them repeat the Arabic letters, of course praised Islam as a
religion of peace and love.
Then he showed them how to pray and Muslims, almost like in a game, the children wanted to imitate him. Boys and girls who submit to Islam in his eyes almost amused their professors, exceptionally, in the mosque without a veil. Adult
not participating in the initiation rite to the Islamic faith,
remaining "out of range", but which have sponsored and agreed to
surrender their children to Islam, seem to represent our Europe decadent
and relativist who entrusts resigned and defeated their future to the
strength and charm of the worship of Allah and the veneration of
This image may go down in history as one of the emblematic moments of the Islamization of Europe. Two years ago these children have naively worshiped at the mosque emulating the deeds of faithful servants of Allah. It
is possible that these same children, in ten or twenty years, will
return to pray in the mosques to convert to Islam or be forced to do so
in the context of un'Olanda Islamized demographically, ideological and

If until now we have focused on the war unleashed by Islamic terrorists
who cut the throats, beheading, massacre and blow themselves up, so far
we have identified in the image of the planes stuck in Two Twin Towers
on the watershed of our contemporary history as the high point of the
aggressive capacity of Islamic terrorism globalized, it is time to
acknowledge that the Christian children's image of faith or tradition
who bow to Allah in a mosque in Europe is far more devastating because
it attests to the success of the Islamic subjugate himself inside of our
house , breaking up our civilization degraded, uncovering the
inconsistency of our nihilistic spirituality, conquering our souls
shattered by relativism that has robbed us of our notion of truth,
imposing Islam as the alternative to the collapse of our values ​​and
system of rules .

This image gives us first-hand how Europe's submission to Islam will be
the consequence of the suicide of our civilization rather than of
defeat on the field in a war that is taking place but that we refuse to
acknowledge, simply because we are overwhelmed by the fear of facing the
reality of Islam, the violent content of what Allah prescribed in the
Quran and what he said and did Muhammad.

The lives of our children and our grandchildren sacrificed on the altar
of Allah violent and criminal Mohammed will be the final act of the
extinction of a Europe that, having voluntarily reduced to a no man's
land, it is transformed into a Islamic conquest of land.

Not at the hands of cutthroats terrorists, but the terrorists
taglialingue, those that require us to suspend the use of reason to
legitimize uncritically Islam, to allow them to take root in our house
taking refuge within mosques and Koranic schools where they practice
brainwash, which it is their greatest asset, butchers and halal shops,
under the veil of the faithful and the tunics of the faithful servants
of Allah, the study centers where they promote Islamophobia, in training
centers for imams indoctrinates Muslims and convert non-Muslims, in
charities and Islamic banks bartering their money with our soul.

But, above all, unconditionally accepting millions of Islamic
immigrants who embody the demographic bomb that will determine the
replacement of our population and the extinction of our civilization.
We reflect carefully on the photo of our Christian children worshiped at the mosque. If we can make sure that this does not happen again, then we can stop the madness of the era of our civilization suicide.

Magdi Cristiano Allam

 See original work for more on this and other stories.

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