Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tucker Explodes At Biden Admin Over Alleged NSA Spying Scandal: They’re Lying, Refuse To Answer Questions | The Daily Wire

Tucker Explodes At Biden Admin Over Alleged NSA Spying Scandal: They’re Lying, Refuse To Answer Questions | The Daily Wire: “Then, just minutes before air tonight, the NSA sent us an infuriatingly dishonest formal statement, an entire paragraph of lies written purely for the benefit of the intel community’s lackeys at CNN and MSNBC, all those people they hire with the titles on the screen. They also tweeted out a few minutes ago,” Carlson said. “Now, last night on this show, we made a very straightforward claim: NSA has read my private emails without my permission, period. That’s what we said. Tonight’s statement from the NSA does not deny that.” “Instead, it comes with this non sequitur, in part, quote, ‘Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the agency.’ Okay, glad to know. But the question remains, did the Biden administration read my personal emails?” Carlson continued. “That’s the question that we asked directly to NSA officials when we spoke to them about 20 minutes ago in a very heated conversation. Did you read my emails? And again, they refuse to say, again and again. And then they refused even to explain why they couldn’t answer that simple question. ‘We can’t tell you and we won’t tell you why we can’t tell you.’ My emails.”

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