Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Activists Claim "Reverse Racism" Doesn't Exist. They're Wrong.

Activists Claim "Reverse Racism" Doesn't Exist. They're Wrong.: Activists redefined the meaning of 'racism' to claim White people cannot experience it. The definition "The belief that some races are better than others, or the unfair treatment of someone because of his or her race" [Cambridge] The 'new' definition "An ideology of racial domination in which the presumed biological or cultural superiority of one or more racial groups is used to justify or prescribe the inferior treatment or social position(s) of other racial groups" [Harvard] The addition of the word "racial domination" is key. Activists claim that domination requires power and that only White people in America have power (despite the diversity of our government and institutions). Therefore, they argue: Only White Americans can be racist White Americans themselves cannot experience racism or reverse racism

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