Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Alaska Couple Speaks Out Over FBI Harassment Concerning January 6 - The Tatum Report

Alaska Couple Speaks Out Over FBI Harassment Concerning January 6 - The Tatum Report: MSN.com reported, the FBI said they received a tip from an unidentified witness that Marilyn looked like the woman in an FBI “wanted” photograph. Apparently, this was key to providing probable cause to search their home. Marilyn says the woman in the FBI photograph is not her. She says those are not the clothes she was wearing that day. Aside from similar black coats, their clothing, jewelry, and eye makeup all differ. She also wonders why the FBI didn’t use facial recognition to attempt to identify or clear her. The FBI provided a statement to The Ingraham Angle saying, “… on April 28, the FBI was conducting court authorized law enforcement activity at the location you are referring to….”

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