Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Washington Post gives White House 'Three Pinocchios' for claiming Republicans are defunding police | Fox News

Washington Post gives White House 'Three Pinocchios' for claiming Republicans are defunding police | Fox News: The Washington Post's Fact-Checker dinged the White House for claiming Republicans were "defunding the police," giving the eyebrow-raising talking point "Three Pinocchios." Recent remarks by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and senior Biden adviser Cedric Richmond had sought to turn the tables on months of some progressive Democrats advocating for slicing or even dismantling municipal police department budgets. Their logic was GOP opposition to the $1.9-trillion coronavirus relief bill passed this year amounted to supporting defunding police, since $350 billion was allocated for state and local government aid. "Although Republicans all opposed Biden’s coronavirus relief package, no one voted to cut, or defund, anything. Rather, Democrats proposed $350 billion in emergency funds for state and local governments, and Republicans voted against those extra funds. That’s not a reduction," the Post's Glenn Kessler wrote.

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