While the national news media is ignoring the story, local media let the news slip in their gushing stories of how thrilling it was to have Obama in their midst.
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reported on Tuesday on Obama's visit, quoting Big Sky Resort spokesman Dax Schieffer:
The First Family stayed in one of the eight penthouses on the tenth floor of Big Sky Resort’s Summit Hotel on Friday night, said resort spokesman Dax Schieffer. The entire tenth and ninth floor were reserved for the Obamas and family as well as White House and Secret Service staff.
“All in all we had about 400 people as part of the group,” Schieffer said.
NewWest.net spoke with Big Sky Resort general manager Taylor Middleton for an article published Sunday:
“We ultimately had 400 rooms reserved,” said Middleton, noting that there were various entities within the Presidential entourage - security, press, admin staff, culinary staff - and their arrangements were “somewhat coordinated and somewhat uncoordinated.”"
From Montana, Obama and his entourage went on to Boulder, Colorado on Saturday for another town hall and then flew to Phoenix, Arizona Saturday night for a speech to the VFW convention on Monday. Obama and entourage stayed at The Phoenician which describes itself as "Your Premier Luxury Destination". There are no apparent media reports on how many rooms the White House took at the Phoenician, but it would seem that 400 rooms would be consistent with the trip.
Obama and his family took time for various sightseeing and recreational activities on their Western tour.
Obama is scheduled to vacation next week at the 28.5 acre Blue Heron Farm in Martha's Vineyard.
The Vineyard Gazette reports weekly rentals for comparable properties run from $35,000 to $50,000.
There is no word yet on how many rooms will be rented by the White House for staff staying on Martha's Vineyard with Obama.
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