Monday, August 24, 2009

Reasons Why We Are Winning The Health Care Debate « NEOAVATARA

Reasons Why We Are Winning The Health Care Debate « NEOAVATARA: "I have heard a lot of agonizing over the past few days, as threats of reconciliation have been heard on the lips of Democrats. Many have asked how we stop the Democrats, who hold such huge majorities?

I say the threats mean we are winning, not only politically, but winning the ideological debate.

Don’t let the media and talking heads fool you. We are winning the debate on every battlefield. There is a reason that Obamacare support nationwide has plummeted. You really believe the media talk that a few extremist comments and posters (that no one has seen) has caused the public to turn against this plan? Heck no. It is the plan ITSELF! It is the details of the plan that has turned the public against the proposal. Media are so arrogant to believe that the public is clearly too stupid to know what is good for them; by the way, that means you. But Americans are a motivated people, and when it comes to their freedom and independence, they will not be dictated to by anyone, from the political Left or Right.

Want more reasons to be optimistic?"

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