Sunday, August 23, 2009

Austin Hill : What If Obamacare Actually Happens? -

Austin Hill : What If Obamacare Actually Happens? - "What if a health care bill actually passes in the Congress, and President Obama signs it into law?

Given the ways in which his “hope” and “change” are being embraced across the nation right now, such a legislative “victory” for Mr. Obama could be the worst thing, politically, for his presidency and his party.

Earlier this year, I contemplated here in this column how Obama’s behavior tends to be woefully inconsistent with his rhetoric, and how our President has a propensity for “doing the opposite” of what he says. For example, as a candidate Obama insisted that he is not a “big government” advocate, but then as President proposed a federal budget in excess of $3.5 trillion (Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is now asking Congress to raise the federal debt ceiling above $12 trillion for fear that there won‘t be money to fund Obama‘s budget after October of this year)."

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