Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kevin McCullough : What's with Obama's Obsession: Body Parts? -

Kevin McCullough : What's with Obama's Obsession: Body Parts? - "President Barack Obama has taken to a unique and possibly quite macabre strategy into the August recess. In speech after speech on the need for the federalizing control of a national health care system President Obama has taken to insulting the wrong people--physicians--but beyond that he has turned them into orated illustrations of terror. I believe in doing so he is demonstrating an unusual degree of deception to which he is willing to stoop, all for the cause of saying he did 'something' about health care.

Roughly one month ago President Obama stated in a press conference from the White House, 'So if you come in, and you've got a bad sore throat, or your child has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats. The doctor may look at the reimbursement system, and say to himself, 'You know what, I make a heck of a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out.' Now that may be the right thing to do but I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions, just based on whether you really need your kids tonsils out, or whether it make just make more sense just to huh... change... huh... maybe they have allergies, maybe they have something else that would make a difference.'"

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