Sunday, August 23, 2009

YID With LID: The Race Card Is Nothing But A Joker

YID With LID: The Race Card Is Nothing But A Joker: "If you listen to those of the liberal persuasion, there are only two types of people in the world, those who agree with everything President Obama says and does, and Racists. Like the people who complain that the 'jokerized' pictures of President Obama are racist, but the same effect with President Bush was absolutely fine. Or Janine Garafolo, who said that the people participating in the April Tea Parties were doing so because they objected to a African American President.

Then of course there was the MSNBC report that showed a man with a rifle strapped over his shoulder at an anti-Obamacare rally. The network used that picture and said it was a racist act. What MSNBC didn't tell the viewers is that the picture was cropped so you couldn't see that the man with a gun was an African American."

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