Monday, August 24, 2009

Confirmed: Russia Engineering U.S. Civil War Via Obama Citizenship Controversy

Confirmed: Russia Engineering U.S. Civil War Via Obama Citizenship Controversy: "My source has confirmed to me what up until now I have only been able to speculate was the case: Russian strategy is designed to split U.S. military forces between those that back their agent provocateur, Barack Obama, and those who back the Constitution.

It has been obvious throughout to those few of us who are aware of the elaborate deception carried out by the Kremlin communist criminals (who went to the extraordinary length, even for them, of staging the collapse of their own empire) that the installation of Barack Obama as president of the United States was their insidious doing. It is also well known by those in what I'll call the 'Golitsynian' community that the ultimate goal of the worldwide communist revolution (begun by Lenin and continued today by the current occupants of the Kremlin and their subordinates in capitols throughout the world) is the destruction of the United States militarily, thus making the enslavement of the entire world at the hands of communists absolutely unstoppable. What has not been definitively known, however, is precisely the strategy they plan to employ in the 'Final Phase' of their plan. Until now."

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