Monday, August 31, 2009

Guest Oppinion -- Paul Cappadona -- Lets Point and Laugh

Guest Oppinion -- Paul Cappadona -- Lets Point and Laugh: "For the few that understand it looks like things done to preserve our Republic fail, one step forward two back. Voting doesn't seem to help, God forbid it may be rigged. Becoming members of a group that has similar desires doesn't seem to help, that often becomes the blind leading the blind. Giving money to groups fighting for our rights doesn't seem to get the desired results, we just get poorer faster. More people must be led to the truth having their illusionary happy idol smashed. It pretty certain that most people that know what is going on are not yet willing to take the battle to our courts or start to use the Grand Jury system the way it was intended. At this point in the game I believe pointing and laughing will help increase our ranks. Not just pointing and not just laughing but in combination they must be done.

Due to mass ignorance our (employees) are illegally taking over healthcare, banking, and industry. We few that see are outraged. We write letters call our so called representatives and give them a piece of our mind. Then we panic to think how bad things are getting. Not fully understanding that they simply do not have the authority to do their own will nor the will of their lobbying masters. They are doing unauthorized work. We are not bound to pay for work not authorized in the original Constitutio"

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