Monday, August 31, 2009

Lady Logician - Morning Coffee

Lady Logician - Morning Coffee: "I got another missive from my friend Warren this morning. Now Warren's missives are many times a little too esoteric for me, but today's message was just too good not to share.

The underlying assumption by both major political parties is that government at every level has the right to be involved in the private lives of American citizens. The behaviors we've seen exhibited by both political parties at these town hall events is their propensity for ordering their fellow citizens around as if we were chattel. They've been treating American citizens as if we were slaves, or serfs and peasants, at best. You cannot honestly expect Americas of any ideology or demographic to sit still for such abuse, can you? If you do expect perfect submission to political authority in America, you prove that you know nothing of the Spirit that is America, nor do you possess any knowledge of its history.

What you and your colleagues around the nation have overlooked is that the push-back you're getting on the issue is, at heart, about getting government out of the private lives of American citizens.
Personally, I think the political class in America has over-reached and has grossly under-estimated the American people. There are certain principles of freedom which are virtually a part of our DNA. In America, whatever the political p"

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