Saturday, August 22, 2009

Las Vegas jobless rate hits all-time high of 13.1 percent - Breaking News -

Las Vegas jobless rate hits all-time high of 13.1 percent - Breaking News - "Nevada's unemployment rose to 12.5 percent in July, while joblessness in especially hard-hit Las Vegas surged to 13.1 percent. It’s the highest jobless rate both statewide and locally since the state began tracking data in 1976.
No “green shoots” for Nevada.

As economists and policymakers nationwide hover over the tender little economic tendrils that herald recovery from recession, Nevada’s economy looks as barren as the Mojave Desert.

As a trickle of data points to the national downturn’s end, Nevada’s economy continues its descent. Joblessness in the Silver State jumped to 12.5 percent in July, while unemployment in hard-hit Las Vegas leapt to 13.1 percent. Both state and local unemployment scored their highest levels in 33 years of tracking, the state Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation said today.

Nevada’s jobless rate was more than double its level in July 2008, when 6.6 percent of the state’s residents were out of work. In Las Vegas, unemployment was at 6.8 percent in July 2008.

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