Saturday, August 22, 2009


PATERSON WHINES: 'RACISM!' - New York Post: "ALBANY -- Gov. Paterson has played the race card.

The state's first black governor yesterday blamed his political woes -- and those of President Obama -- on a white-dominated media that he accused of taking part in an 'orchestrated' attack campaign.

'We're not in the post-racial period,' Paterson said in a freewheeling interview on the liberal talk-radio station WWRL. 'My feeling is it's being orchestrated, it's a game, and people who pay attention know that.'

'We don't have the kind of forces in the community that we had before, in other words, our black media outlets,' the Democratic governor continued.

'Even our own reporters from our own community buy the public line, which is, 'We're going to get rid of David Paterson.' '"

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