Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yes! Obama's suburban astroturfing-inside an OFA meeting - Water Cooler - Washington Times

Yes! Obama's suburban astroturfing-inside an OFA meeting - Water Cooler - Washington Times: "Obama supporters gathered in Fairfax, Virgnia last night and met with an Organizing For America (OFA) representative at a local library to talk shop and brainstorm about how to help President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats pass health care reform. If there was any doubt the Obama administration is not in campaign mode, the OFA listening tour puts that notion to rest. In fact, the message seemed more about winning a campaign than anything else. Papers were handed out describing the meeting's agenda and Mr. Obama's health insurance reform guarantees. Canvassing sheets were also part of the handouts as well. The OFA organizer started off giving the group of mostly fifty-somethings and over some background :

'Now that we work on issues, we definitely need to work in conjunction with other organizations in order to aggregate our power. We have fewer resources than we did during the campaign. In the campaign, we had two hundred field organizers on the ground. Now I have four regional field directors, and that’s the layer above field organizer in the campaign, and we have no field organizers. So this is much more of a volunteer driven effort...even more so than the campaign.'

It is surprising for an OFA representative to"


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