Thursday, September 3, 2009

American Thinker: Obama's Death Panels to Unravel Lightbulb Savings

American Thinker: Obama's Death Panels to Unravel Lightbulb Savings: "All of our 75 million senior citizens tossed under the ObamaCare bus have one more reason to storm the town hall meetings. Once Obama's death panels get to work, seniors won't live long enough to enjoy the energy savings they have been promised - to break even from buying higher priced CFLs instead of using energy-hog incandescent lightbulbs. Retailers, like Lowes, Home Depot, and Walmart will soon have Health and Human Services government mortality tables displayed in their lightbub aisles alongside information on lumens and lightbulb life.

Typically, CFLs cost four to six times as much as incandescents, but last longer and save enough energy to repay the up-front higher price within a couple of years. Yet, for 20 million American military veterans who follow the grim advice found in the Veterans Administration pamphlet, 'Your Life, Your Choices,' inspired by the Hemlock Society, there's not much point in buying light bulbs at all.

The US Congress, now despised by nearly 60% of the voting public, in 2007, via The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, labeled incandescent lightbulbs contraband, joining the likes of heroin, automatic assault rifles, bazookas, and untaxed cigarettes, outlawing the dreaded 100 Watt lightbulb in 2012."

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