Thursday, September 3, 2009

YID With LID: Stupid Government Tricks-->Taliban Getting "US AID"

YID With LID: Stupid Government Tricks-->Taliban Getting "US AID": "Here's an interesting piece of information on the day the United States announces it is cutting off aid to the Democratic Government of Honduras, The Taliban is on the unofficial payroll of the United States government.

According to a report in A portion of American taxpayer dollars slated for development projects in Afghanistan ends up in the hands of the Taliban. The United States Agency for International Development is investigating if its funds are being used by contractors to pay the Taliban for protection — from itself.

Here's how it works, just like a Brooklyn mobster, the Taliban holds up construction projects for 'protection' money. When the money is not paid, they wreak havoc in the area, blowing up bridges, kidnapping contractors and bringing projects to a halt. Uncle Sam is paying for the construction and the protection. In other words we are buying some of the bullets being shot at our heroes in Afghanistan.

Funding the Afghan Taliban
By Jean MacKenzie - GlobalPost"

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