Thursday, September 3, 2009

CIA Internal Report Hints at Impact of Harsh Interrogations on 9/11 Mastermind - Political News -

CIA Internal Report Hints at Impact of Harsh Interrogations on 9/11 Mastermind - Political News - "Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-described architect of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, looms large in a declassified CIA report on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques.

The inspector general's report, released this week, says Mohammed wasn't much help before he was waterboarded but went on to become 'one of the U.S. government's key sources on Al Qaeda.' Such revelations have fueled the fiery debate over the effectiveness of the CIA's tactics and whether the United States should condone methods that many deem torture.

But additional details of his interactions with interrogators may raise more questions than they answer -- potentially saying more about the captive than his captors.

Intelligence officials described to the Washington Post a scene almost out of the halls of academia, with the once-resistant high-level detainee giving 'terrorist tutorials' to them in a makeshift lecture hall. He even scolded one listener for poor note-taking and his inability to recall details of an earlier lecture.

The CIA report makes it clear that Mohammed wasn't willing to divulge much before interrogators resorted to the controversial tactics."

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