Thursday, September 3, 2009

Did MSNBC Fake Its Own Transcript to Cover for Ed Schultz? « NewsReal Blog

Did MSNBC Fake Its Own Transcript to Cover for Ed Schultz? « NewsReal Blog

Does MSNBC edit its transcripts to make its hosts look better and conservatives look worse? The network’s transcript of Monday’s edition of “The Ed Show” did just that. Host Ed Schultz had on Ron Christie, former deputy advisor to Dick Cheney, to discuss Obama’s ever-weakening Homeland Security policies. In the discussion, Ed made an embarrassing verbal blunder, and Ron ably defended himself — but the edited transcript posted on MSNBC’s website has elided key parts of their discussion.

Ed mocked “this idea that [Bush and Cheney] kept the country safe,” thundering, “We were hit, big time, on Cheney’s watch, not on Obama’s watch.” The Left has used this line, without effect, since at least the 2004 elections — as though al-Qaeda sprung from whole cloth on January 21, 2001, and accomplished its grandest plans in a mere nine months. Christie had his number — and Schultz’s inept response proved it:

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