Thursday, September 3, 2009

HCAN: Scripting and Directing the Left’s Health Care Reform Stage Show « NewsReal Blog

HCAN: Scripting and Directing the Left’s Health Care Reform Stage Show « NewsReal Blog

HCAN film

Health Care for America Now brings together the most radical elements of the left in an effort to control the health care reform process.

The left continues to manage their side of the health care reform debate as though they are the writers, directors and actors of a low-budget sitcom on public access television. No one on the left can seem to remember their lines, prominent members of Congress are ad-libbing when caught off kilter by a media camera, and now – they’ve been caught rehearsing their lines, after numerous public accusations from the lefties of “astroturfing” by those the conservative side of the debate.

Wednesday on the FOX News show America’s Newsroom, host Megyn Kelly spoke with an Illinois resident who had attended a recent health care town hall – video camera in hand – and managed to capture, on video, members of Health Care for America Now coaching their team on techniques to silence opposition at the town hall.


Health Care for America Now literally wrote the “book” on left-wing control of the health care reform debate, and it’s all available on their website in great detail for brainwashed liberal Americans to read and act upon. The plans made available by HCAN are strong evidence of the left-wing hierarchy’s lack of confidence in their cultish followers to assist in carrying out their agenda.

In their drive to see their socialist agenda through to fruition, they have revealed (to those of us with open eyes and ears) the essence of the relationship that drives the progressive/socialist movement – an elitist hierarchy that dictates the thoughts and actions of a servile, loyal following.

♦ Scripted Calls to Congress

HCAN provides step-by-step plans and word-by-word scripts to guide the radical left through the health care reform battle in a well-orchestrated, fascist attempt to extinguish opposition. For example – the group tells their followers to call their representative in the House and their Senators, and provides three scripts to choose from, depending on your congressional rep’s position on the proposed reform bill.

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