Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Expose Obama » Blog Archive » Obama Takes a Page From Alinsky Handbook

Expose Obama » Blog Archive » Obama Takes a Page From Alinsky Handbook:

Obama gets his plays straight from Alinsky’s playbook

Throughout Barack Obama’s campaign for the White House, he never tired of referring to the three years he spent as a community organizer on Chicago’s South Side and its relevance to his life since then.

However generic the term may sound to the average ear, it had a very specific meaning to young Barack Obama. It was a term of art used by the self-described Marxist tactician Saul Alinsky, author of “Rules for Radicals” and erstwhile mentor of Obama.

As an organizer with the Developing Communities Project in the mid-1980s, the young Obama learned Alinsky’s tactics, and found a way to bring about the radical changes he and his friends had discussed during their days at New York’s Columbia University.

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