Wednesday, September 2, 2009

YID With LID: POTUS Disgusting 9/11 Campaign Calls Obamacare Protesters:Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists

YID With LID: POTUS Disgusting 9/11 Campaign Calls Obamacare Protesters:Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists

The bully-in-chief is at it again. His "Organizing for America" campaign site had a call for a Phone Call campaign to Senators on the anniversary of 9/11.(it was taken down after it was discovered). The campaign is to fight back again the town hall protesters, and fight for the public option. There is nothing wrong with that a phone campaign to push a political point, but the rhetoric in this was incredibly disgusting.

All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.
There is something wrong with the President's political arm calling Americans exercising their right to free speech, Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists. Particularly inappropriate, is the fact that they want to use 9/11, the day the US was attacked for its freedoms, as a day to attack the freedom of people with disagree with the President:
Obama’s Team Crosses the Rhetorical Line

(Update: The website cited below has been suspended by The screenshot to the right is the original page, but the embedded links will no longer work. Click on the picture to the above for a full-screen view.)

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