Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Video: Rep. Mike Rogers: The Abandoning of American Principles on Capitol Hill

Family Security Matters » Publications » Video: Rep. Mike Rogers: The Abandoning of American Principles on Capitol Hill

Does the campaign slogan “Yes We Can!” really mean “No, We Can’t, so the Government Has To For Us!”? Considering the hope and change Americans have witnessed over the past seven months, you can’t blame us for asking. But it’s not even fair to blame the current administration for everything (although we can criticize them for much); government has been expanding and growing for years. It’s only now that we have a nanny in the Oval Office that things suddenly seem to be exploding all around us.
It’s hard to believe, but we must ask the question: Are our lawmakers abandoning the very principles that make America great? Have they really forgotten their roots as they make an unprecedented power grab that would alter the fabric of our nation forever?
Fortunately not all of our legislators are reaching for that tarnished brass ring. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) recognizes the signs of what radio host Mark Levin calls a “soft tyranny.” Rogers recently scolded his colleagues in Congress, going to bat for not just his constituents but all Americans. Rogers proves that hope is still brewing on Capitol Hill. Hold out your coffee cups, America, and catch a drop:

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