Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Harry Reid’s ‘Moment of Truth’ in Las Vegas Reflects the Un-American, Elitist Attitude Prevailing in Washington

Family Security Matters » Publications » Exclusive: Harry Reid’s ‘Moment of Truth’ in Las Vegas Reflects the Un-American, Elitist Attitude Prevailing in Washington: "Last week, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) addressed a Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Before his address, he conducted the usual meet-n-greet/photo op with the chamber’s board members. One of the last in line to receive the oh-so-high honor of shaking the Crown Prince’s Senate Majority Leader’s hand was Bob Brown, the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s advertising director.

As Brown shook Reid’s (withered?) hand, Reid said to him, “I hope you go out of business.”

What a nice thing to hear from your elected representative. For all he knew, Brown could have been a Democrat and Reid supporter. But coming from the man who patriotically declared two years ago that the war in Iraq
was lost, are we really surprised? My guess is that the newspaper hasn’t been too kind to Reid, and Reid’s skin is just a little bit thinner than a politician’s should be. Perhaps he holds them responsible for his terrible poll numbers in his home state. Yeah, right."

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