Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Obama's Classroom Campaign: No Junior Lobbyist Left Behind

Family Security Matters » Publications » Obama's Classroom Campaign: No Junior Lobbyist Left Behind: "'ABC' stands for All Barack's Children. On Sept. 8, young students across the country will be watching television. Yes, they'll be parked in front of boob tubes and computer screens watching President Obama's address on education.

Instead of practicing cursive, reviewing multiplication tables, diagramming sentences or learning something concrete, America's kids will be lectured about the importance of learning. And then the schoolchildren, from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, will be exhorted to Do Something -- other than sit in their seats and receive academic instruction, that is.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan dispatched letters to principals nationwide, boasting, 'This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation's schoolchildren about persisting and succeeding in school.' But the goal is not merely morale boosting. According to White House event-related guides developed by the U.S. Department of Education's Teaching Fellows, grade-school students will be told to 'listen to the speech' and 'think about the following':"

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