Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Family Security Matters » Publications » Dear Barry: Reality? Check!

Family Security Matters » Publications » Dear Barry: Reality? Check!: "I figure I can be that informal, since you, your wife, your vice president, and all your friends all seem to have access to my e-mail and keep writing to me. I have no idea who David, Mitch, Mary Jane, Jeremy, etc., etc, all are, but hey, they are obviously friends because all their e-mails start 'Dear Friend'! Any friend of yours has to be a friend of mine, I guess is your thinking.

As your “friend,” I feel sure that you won't mind if I give you some advice, and offer my help. My advice to you, free of charge is this: STOP IT! No, I am not talking about your staged “healthcare/insurance reform/town halls;” nor am I talking about your little beer fest in the White House with Professor Gates et al (we'll talk about that another time.)

What I am talking about is your almost daily op-eds and your constant appearances on TV. I am not sure what all the office of the President of the U.S. involves, but I have to think it shouldn't be leaving you all this free time in which to write op-eds. I thought it was just me that has noticed that you have become a regular op-ed writer, but not so. Another writer asks a question that has been bugging me for more than a little while:"

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