Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's still 'government-run healthcare' without public option

It's still 'government-run healthcare' without public option: "It's time for Patriots of all stripes to gear up for the second round of battles over healthcare.

In spite of getting their hands slapped by voters back home, proponents of the Obama-backed version of 'healthcare reform' are now renewing the push to approve the legislation using 2 key tactics--they are dropping the so-called 'public option' of a government corporation that would offer low-cost insurance, and they are using the name of deceased Senator Ted Kennedy to push the bill.

Both tactics are separate parts of a 'Trojan Horse.' The goal is still a government takeover of healthcare.

Even without the public option, the provisions of the bill approved by the Waxman Committee in the House of Representatives amount to a complete government takeover of the U.S. Healthcare System.

Your doctor's salary would be set by government, mandating that specialists make the same thing as family doctors. This will drive specialists out of medicine. Your hospitals would be bound by strict government regulations that would hinder their ability to compete, and thus, cripple their ability to earn the revenue to stay afloat.

But that's not even the worst part.

Rationing would be implemented due to the sheer numbers of new patients entering the healthcare system, including 20"

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