Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Poll: More Wary of Obama on Health Care - CBS News

Poll: More Wary of Obama on Health Care - CBS News: "(CBS) President Obama's approval rating on health care has dropped six points since July to 40 percent, and now more Americans, 47 percent, disapprove of his handling of health care, according to a new CBS News poll taken between Aug 27 - 31.

As the president's poll numbers sink on the issue, two-thirds of Americans remain confused about the health reform proposals on the table.

Meanwhile, Mr. Obama's overall approval (56 percent) and handling of the economy (53 percent) are not much changed from last month. (Read more here.)

Americans are not only skeptical of Mr. Obama's handling of health care, but also of the effectiveness of reform. Americans are more apt to say the middle class and small business would be hurt, not helped, by the plans currently under consideration.

Still, the public continues to say the health care system does need reform, and that things will worsen if nothing is done. Americans strongly support government regulations on insurance companies, including cost controls and mandates for covering all applicants."

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