Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Abusing the Constitution (OneNewsNow.com)

Abusing the Constitution (OneNewsNow.com)

If I could go back in time, there is one group of people that I wish I wouldn't have been so quick to dismiss...those who expressed dismay over what they perceived as George W. Bush using his presidential power to trample the Constitution. I might not have ended up agreeing with all of their accusations, but I know my predisposition towards liking the guy caused me to discount their charges without always giving them fair thought.

Obviously there were those on the far left who made it difficult to do so. You can only watch Keith Olbermann froth at the mouth so many times while pompously condemning the Commander-in-Chief of "urinating on the Constitution" before you begin to build up a tolerance to such reckless hyperbole. But there were others whose case against Bush was rooted in logic and experience. They cautiously questioned the wisdom of urgently enacting a monstrous bill (the Patriot Act) that few congressmen had time to even read. They cautioned that it could limit constitutionally protected liberty, even though it was done with the best of intentions (sound familiar?). Regardless of whether they were right or wrong, their objections deserved to be addressed.

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