Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Supreme Court nominee has never been a judge (OneNewsNow.com)

Supreme Court nominee has never been a judge (OneNewsNow.com)

President Barack Obama has nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, saying she will demonstrate independence, integrity, and passion for the law. If confirmed by the Senate, Kagan will become the third woman on the high court. Obama introduced her Monday in the White House's East Room. He called her "my friend" and one of the nation's foremost legal minds.

Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel and dean of Liberty University Law School, is opposed to Kagan partly because she has never been a judge and has limited experience in practicing law. And there are other reasons, he says.

"[I'm opposed] because I think her judicial philosophy is one of an activist, particularly of a transnationalist that wants to use foreign law to interpret our own domestic law," Staver explains, adding that she is "very much in favor of the homosexual agenda and very capable of bringing consensus among a diverse group of people."

Kagan now goes through the committee hearing to a Senate vote -- and Staver tells OneNewsNow that it should not be a rubber-stamp process.

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