Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Coburn Says National Debt Could Cause “Apocalyptic Pain” | Personal Liberty Digest

Coburn Says National Debt Could Cause “Apocalyptic Pain” | Personal Liberty Digest: "Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has provided a grim forecast for the United States if lawmakers do not reduce the government debt.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday on Dec. 26, Coburn said that the U.S. will suffer from 'apocalyptic pain' if the nation does not curb its massive deficit. He predicted that America could eventually face an 18 percent unemployment rate and hyperinflation if government waste is not curbed. He said that the U.S. may face austerity measures that have been seen in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Japan."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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