Wednesday, December 29, 2010

'Poems In Zoos' Makes Wasteful Government Spending List |

'Poems In Zoos' Makes Wasteful Government Spending List | "( - Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has released a guide to what he believes to be some of the government’s most wasteful spending projects of 2010. The list includes poems in zoos, a museum of Grateful Dead memorabilia and a graveyard for neon signs.

In his introduction to the “Wastebook 2010” report, Coburn writes: “As 2010 ends, millions of Americans are still struggling to find work. Even those lucky enough to have jobs have had to tighten their belts and trim household budgets. For some this has meant cutting out luxuries; for others, having to make tough choices between necessities. For everyone it means taking stock of what they can really afford.

“Is it so much to expect Congress do the same?” he asked.

The senator urges Congress not to spend money on unneeded items, such as the over “$11.5 billion of examples provided” in his report.

Examples of wasteful spending highlighted in “Wastebook 2010” include:"

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