Sunday, December 26, 2010

(Drum Roll): And The Award for Worst Political Punditry of 2010 Goes To… | NewsReal Blog

(Drum Roll): And The Award for Worst Political Punditry of 2010 Goes To… | NewsReal Blog: "… the ubiquitous political commentator David Gergen. The longtime lib-left Washington establishment mouthpiece who makes his living spewing trite observations and superficial, short-sighted analyses, says President Obama has experienced a “stunning turnaround.” In an op-ed posted at CNN’s website he writes:

Voters who flocked to the Republican banner seven weeks ago are probably scratching their heads, wondering, “Who really won in November?” After handing the president and Congressional Democrats the worst drubbing in more than half a century, they can only watch in disbelief as President Barack Obama has reeled off a series of unexpected victories."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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