Sunday, December 26, 2010

Will Honor Killing Threats Keep Harry Potter Actress in Permanent Hiding? | NewsReal Blog

Will Honor Killing Threats Keep Harry Potter Actress in Permanent Hiding? | NewsReal Blog: "Afshan Azad, 22, the high-profile Harry Potter actress remains in hiding after refusing to appear in a London court. Ms. Azad had been seeing a non-Muslim man, a Hindu. Her family, specifically her father, Abul Azad, 53, and her brother Ashraf, 28, called her a “prostitute” and tried to force her into an arranged marriage with a Muslim man. Her brother also beat and her father threatened to kill her in May of this year. She escaped her family home and has been in hiding ever since. According to the Telegraph, she refused to testify against her family, saying that doing so would endanger her further. Apparently the British police tried but failed to persuade Ms. Azad to testify."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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