Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Geezer teach in rubber room 13 years - NYPOST.com

Geezer teach in rubber room 13 years - NYPOST.com: "He just won't leave.

At age 75, Roland Pierre is the granddaddy of the rubber room -- 13 years in the purgatory of teachers yanked from the classroom for alleged wrongdoing.

But the Department of Education can't fire Pierre, and he's stuck around long past the minimum retirement age.

Pierre was permanently removed from the classroom in 1997 after he was accused of sexually molesting a sixth-grade girl at PS 138 in Brooklyn.

But since then, Pierre has continued to receive full pay and fringe benefits, including health, pension and vacation, officials said. He pulls down $97,101 a year."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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