Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New German airports chief calls for passenger 'profiling' < German news | Expatica Germany

New German airports chief calls for passenger 'profiling' < German news | Expatica Germany: "The incoming president of the German Airports Association called in an interview Tuesday for Israeli-style profiling of passengers to expedite security lines and improve safety.

Christoph Blume, who is also the head of Germany's third busiest airport in Duesseldorf, told the daily Rheinische Post that frequent travellers with a long and clean track record could get express treatment at security checks.

'Israel for example uses a risk-based approach,' said Blume, who will become president of the ADV airports association in January.

'Passengers are put into various risk groups. Safe customers on whom there is sufficient data and who regularly fly the same route are not checked as much as passengers on whom there is no or little data.

'Germany should consider Israeli 'profiling'.'"

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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