Monday, January 3, 2011

9175 Dead Worldwide, Happy New Year! » Publications » Family Security Matters

9175 Dead Worldwide, Happy New Year! » Publications » Family Security Matters: "Now that 2010 is over the numbers are in.

According to the Religion of Peace website here are the numbers for the year 2010:

Total Islamic terror attacks: 1987.
Total dead: 9175.
Total of critically injured: 17436.

Their home page sums up just last month nicely,

So far this Christmas, Religion of Peace devotees have bombed a church in the Philippines, blown up 45 flood refugees waiting in line for Western food aid, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting in Oregon and a recruitment center in Maryland, massacred 86 innocents in attacks on Nigerian churches, planned to poison American food buffets and implant bombs in human bodies, plotted the slaughterof civilians in Holland, London and a newspaper office in Denmark... and even set off the first suicide blast in Sweden, which was intended for Christmas shoppers."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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