Monday, January 3, 2011

Mexican Drug Cartels Are on the Move » Publications » Family Security Matters

Mexican Drug Cartels Are on the Move » Publications » Family Security Matters: "The Mexican drug cartels are on the move. They are moving their drugs, their thugs and their influence including violence north into the United States of America and having a wide ranging and profound impact on our nation and the people who live in our country.

The disturbing report that appeared on the Fox News website on Tuesday, December 28th also makes it clear that the Mexican cartels are also moving south into Guatemala.

The 'War on Terror' has been referred to as 'asymmetrical warfare' because it involves individuals who are not the leaders of governments but are rather part of wide-ranging organizations that are intent on spreading their influence and ideology across international borders but do not provide clear targets for the nation being attacked to go after."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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