Monday, January 3, 2011

Administration’s Recess Appointment Creates Beltway Firestorm » Publications » Family Security Matters

Administration’s Recess Appointment Creates Beltway Firestorm » Publications » Family Security Matters: "In a Legal Times column by written by James Cole he refers to the 9/11 attacks as 'criminal acts of terrorism against a civilian population.' Cole went on to state that the United States has faced “many forms of devastating crime,' from the drug trade to organized crime to rape and child abuse, adding that 'the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were horrible, but so are these other things.'

President Barack Obama has appointed controversial lawyer James Cole as Attorney General Eric Holder's top deputy at the U.S. Justice Department. This latest recess appointment has created a firestorm since Senate Republicans objected to Cole's appointment and had successfully put the brakes on his installation as the Number Two man at the Justice Department.

Cole, 58, has been a partner at the law firm Bryan Cave LLP since 1995, the White House said in a statement on Wednesday."

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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