Monday, July 15, 2013

Gun Owners Of America: Gun Control to Pass if Reid Changes Filibuster Rule

Gun Owners Of America: Gun Control to Pass if Reid Changes Filibuster Rule: The Associated Press reports Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is pushing for rule changes to eliminate the 60-vote filibuster threshold in the Senate in order to "win confirmation for some of [President Obama's] nominees for posts overseeing workers' and consumers' rights."

But the question raised by Gun Owners of America (GOA) is: how long will it be until gun control is heaved upon the American people if the filibuster is done away with?
It was a filibuster that put the Manchin/Toomey background check bill into the light long enough for Senators on both sides of the aisle to realize what was in it and reject it.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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