Monday, July 15, 2013

Journalist: Martin protesters 'slugged me,' 'kicked me' in head | The Daily Caller

Journalist: Martin protesters 'slugged me,' 'kicked me' in head | The Daily Caller: Christian Hartsock, a conservative journalist and filmmaker, says he was assaulted and beaten down to the ground by a mob with repeated strikes to the face while reporting at a Trayvon Martin rally in downtown Oakland Sunday night.

“I have interviews and I have footage of [Trayvon protestors] chanting ‘no justice, no peace—fuck you pigs in your sleep,’” Hartsock told The Daily Caller. “One of them was an elementary schooler chanting with his mom.”

Hartsock says he arrived at 9:30 PM to film the rally.

But soon after, he was repeatedly told by two men to leave the public area. When he refused, they became belligerent, Hartsock told TheDC.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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