Saturday, July 13, 2013

Obama To Use $8 Billion Of Taxpayer's Money To Wage War On Coal, Leaving Thousands Unemployed : Freedom Outpost

Obama To Use $8 Billion Of Taxpayer's Money To Wage War On Coal, Leaving Thousands Unemployed : Freedom Outpost: In Obama’s War on Coal is a War on America, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) President Mike Duncan indicated 280 coal-fired generated units could close in the coming years due to strict environmental regulations already in place. Obama’s war on coal has claimed two victims.

According to the Daily Caller:

High costs associated with stricter federal environmental regulations and increased competition for low-priced natural gas have shut down two coal-fired power plants in Pennsylvania.

FirstEnergy Corp. will close the coal plants by October 9, according to Reuters, due to weak power prices.

Another factor is the high cost of complying with the Environmental Protection agency’s Mercury Air Toxin Standards or MATS, which would require the company to spend $275 million at the two plants.

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