Saturday, July 13, 2013

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Admits Senate-Passed Amnesty Bill Is UnConstitutional : Freedom Outpost

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Admits Senate-Passed Amnesty Bill Is UnConstitutional : Freedom Outpost: Texas Congressman Steve Stockman announced on Thursday that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is now refusing to transmit to the House of Representatives the amnesty bill, which the Senate voted on and passed two weeks ago. According to Stockman he believes Reid fears it will be returned to the Senate on a “blue slip” resolution, which he threatened to use to kill the bill in the House.

“Even Harry Reid now admits the Senate’s amnesty bill is unconstitutional and cannot become law. Any bill that raises revenue must start in the House” said Stockman. “By creating their own amnesty taxes Senate Democrats broke the rules. Senate Democrats were so hell-bent on ramming through a gift to radical political activists they didn’t bother to check if it was even legal.”

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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