Saturday, September 20, 2014

ISIS Getting More Obama Guns! - Eagle Rising

ISIS Getting More Obama Guns! - Eagle Rising: Do you remember the movie, "Navy Seals" from the era before we knew much about the Seals? It featured Charlie Sheen before we knew much about him, either. In the early part of the movie Charlie and his pals discover a room full of Stinger (made in America) missiles. Remember the stinger? It was instrumental in ending the Soviet's reign of terror against the Afghan people. It took out those Russian Super Choppers as easily as if Rambo was personally pulling the trigger. When one of those $1500 heat-seekers could take it to the bank. One dead $40,000,000 Ruskie Super Chopper. (I don't remember the exact Ruskie Super Chopper cost, but I'm don't you self-appointed "fact checkers" who are kind enough to read my stuff, but with nothing but time on your comments about how they actually cost $39,000,000 and they were actually paid for with inflated rubles.) Now that was good economics. Literally...lots of bang for our Defense Department bucks.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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