Saturday, September 20, 2014

New Benghazi Bombshell: But Can We Prove it? - Eagle Rising

New Benghazi Bombshell: But Can We Prove it? - Eagle Rising: As the House select committee investigating the Benghazi attack begins on September 17, Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has an explosive new witness who is bringing forth a new charge of cover-up after the attack occurred. Raymond Maxwell, now retired from the State Department, was in charge of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the time of the attack. He has claimed in a story carried by The Daily Signal that after the attack, he walked into a Sunday meeting in the basement of the State Department building where he encountered a group of officials going through documents related to Benghazi. He was told by one of the participants that they were taking out any documents that could be embarrassing to DOS higher-ups, specifically on the 7th floor (where the secretary of state's office was located). Maxwell also alleges that at one point, Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, walked into the room accompanied by her deputy, Jake Sullivan.

See original work for more on this and other stories.

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